Dienstag, 6. Mai 2008

Tokio Hotel take over Time Square


We like to think of ourselves as a mini United Nations here, so we were delighted when the nice young Germans of Tokio Hotel stopped by the office today, hair and all.

We were pretty shocked Tom would make the undiplomatic move of wearing a Red Sox hat here in Yankee town [Ed: WTF??], but the be-dreaded guitarist assured me he was “so pretty” people can’t really get mad at him. Sorry, Tom, they so can. Fortunately for him, there’s usually a pack of screaming 14-year-old girls (and one burly bodyguard) surrounding you at all times.

Anyway, the band’s English language album Scream drops here tomorrow — it’s already out in Europe, which is why so many shrieking American tweens have all the lyrics memorized. Anime porcupine/frontboy Bill said it was pretty weird recording songs in English that he was used to singing in German. His favorite track to do live off the album is title song, while twin Tom favors “Read, Set, Go!” But don’t worry — they agree on, like, everything else!

Much more on the band’s love of Rammstein, The Scorpions, and The Hoff to come here at MTV News. (Oh, yes, it’s true — they are that adorably lost in translation.) And more pics of the band’s visit, after the jump.

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