Sonntag, 19. April 2009

Latest Stalker News

thanks sorion for the source and translation:
More info... this time from nq online . And we have two direct quotes from Jost:

The Magdeburger band Tokio Hotel ("Schrei!") and family members of the musicians have been followed and threatened by stalkers for years. Tokio Hotel manager David Jost confirms this to the German press agency dpa.

The four young men around front singer Bill Kaulitz (19) and their families had to change their living address several times. Currently, the musicians are being stalked by a group of masked girls. "Those masked girls are no fans, they are militant stalkers; they have nothing to do with true fandom."

After an assault against one of the family members of the Kaulitz twins, the band has pressed charges against one of the stalker girls. "We will press more charges at the beginning of next week and will demand that the stalkers may no longer get close to the band, and more importantly to their families," writes Jost in an email.

(Thank you David! ♥)

there is also some information there at (translation needed), thanks angelspit


Soweit soll es bei Tokio Hotel nicht kommen. Jost schrieb, die Polizei habe den Musikern empfohlen, Beweise gegen die Stalkerinnen zu sammeln. Bill, Tom und Mitglieder der Familie Kaulitz hätten deshalb seit einigen Wochen damit begonnen, die Verfolgerinnen zu filmen und zu fotografieren. Auch darauf hätten die Stalkerinnen aggressiv reagiert. «Unter anderem schlugen sie einem Familienmitglied das Foto-Handy aus der Hand.»

With Tokio Hotel it should not go that far (a knife in the back like Steffi Graff). The police recommended that the musicians collect evidence against the stalkers, wrote David Jost. Since a few weeks ago Bill, Tom, and members of the Kaulitz family have started to film and photograph the stalkers. The stalkers reacted aggressively to that too. "Among other things, they hit the cell phone cum camera out of the hand of a family member."

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