Samstag, 28. März 2009

Nevermind the Kaulitz Twins - Here's the Puppenjungs!

Published by Tamar Anitai on Thursday, March 26, 2009 at 11:47 pm.

Hardcore Tokiophiles, before you get your knickers all knotted, keep in mind that there ARE some fans out there who HAVEN’T heard of the Puppenjungs (German for “doll boys”) — a pair of twin puppets created in the likeness of Tokio Hotel’s Tom and Bill Kaulitz.

The highly lifelike puppets were created by a 26-year-old Austrian Tokio Hotel devotee who goes by “Ziggy,” who handcrafted the 24-inch-long (go ahead and smirk at that… I’ll wait… okay… ) polyurethane versions of Germany’s most famous rock twins. A year and a half, and over $1,000 later — doll parts ain’t cheap, right Courtney Lov ? — Bill and Tom Puppenjungs were born, just in time for the real Bill and Tom’s 18th birthday.

Since 2007, the Puppenjungs have traveled with Ziggy and her Monsun Magazin Tokio Hotel fanzine co-editor, Onerva, seeing Tokio Hotel shows and the sites of Europe — What? You’ve never seen the Eiffel Tower? Puppenjung Tom has!

Tokio Hotel fans, you know I’ll do anything that doesn’t violate professional boundaries or good taste to get you as close to Tokio Hotel as possible, but until I can get you even closer to actual Tokio Hotel, check out this “interview” I managed to score with the Puppenjungs! Rrr… right, so it’s actually with Ziggy, but read on, because the process of making the Puppenjungs and their jetsetting lives are pretty interesting. Plus, check out the new issue of Monsun for more Tokio coverage and more on the Puppenjungs! And check out more photos of the Bill and Tom Puppenjungs after the jump!

Buzzworthy: You made a Bill and a Tom Puppenjung. Why aren’t there Georgand Gustav dolls?
Ziggy: I was actually considering doing a Georg and Gustav doll too, but to be honest, the fact that’s so much fun about the Bill and Tom doll is that the “original” boys do look somewhat like dolls (oh god, Tom is gonna HATE me for that!… the Gs… not so much — good for them, i guess!) I have a feeling they just wouldn’t be looking very good as dolls. And actually, Bill and Tom are taking up all of my attention anyway. They’re like the real ones — always in the spotlight!

Buzzworthy: Would you ever sell the Puppenjungs?
Ziggy: I keep getting offers for the boys… There’s big “NO I DON’T SELL THEM” notes everywhere I post pictures of them, but people just don’t read that I suppose. The weirdest offer came in on MySpace from a girl who wrote me a message that said something like “Okay, I wanna buy them, and I have money, just let me know how much. Tom would be sufficient for now and I’ll come and get Bill later on.” And when i told her that no, sorry, I’m not selling, she was all “Okay, so where do you LIVE??” as if she’d just come over to pick them up!

Buzzworthy: Do the Puppenjungs ever fight?
Ziggy: Of course they fight! What siblings don’t? Bill kept stealing Tom’s sneakers, so I had to get him a couple pairs of boots, and there’s more peace on the dolly-shelf now. Generally, Bill likes posing better than Tom, which has something to do with the fact that Tom’s not as well strung as Bill — there are rubber bands going through the boys’ bodies so that they can pose. So Tom tends to be the lazy one. He likes sitting down more than Bill and sometimes when I’m not careful, he’ll fall back and sit his ass down in the dirt on the floor and i have to do doll-laundry!

Buzzworthy: Where do Puppenjung Bill and Tom sleep?
Ziggy: They’re sleeping right now, actually! I had to take them apart for cleaning and getting their faces fixed up because after the last year, they’ve been a bit on the dirty side, so they’re sleeping right now for until their heads are done; then they’ll be back in action. There’s also been some changes to their faces. And I think they’re looking even better now!

Buzzworthy: Have Bill and Tom ever met their Puppenjungs?
Ziggy: During the tour last year, a friend of mine had a photo of the Puppenjungs signed by Bill and Tom, and she’s reported back that Bill said he absolutely loved his doll but sadly, the boys haven’t seen “their” dolls in real life yet. Oh well, maybe on the next tour.


Freitag, 27. März 2009

Ab wann darf mein Kind ins Rock Konzert?


Die Band „Tokio Hotel“ tourt noch bis Ende Juli durch Deutschland. Zehntausende Teenies drehen bei den Konzerten durch, immer wieder werden Fans ohnmächtig und müssen von Sanitätern aus der Menge gezogen werden.

Wie gefährlich sind solche Konzerte für Jugendliche? Und was sollten Eltern tun, wenn ihre Kinder Bands anhimmeln, die nur über Drogen, Gewalt und Sex singen? Zwei Experten geben Rat.

Ab wann darf mein Kind allein zum Konzert?

Bettina Eistel, Psychotherapeutin vom Jugendamt Hamburg: „Im Jugendschutzgesetz gibt es keine spezielle Regelung für Konzerte. Die meisten Veranstalter halten sich an folgende Richtlinien: Kinder unter sechs Jahren dürfen gar nicht in die Halle, Jugendliche unter 16 Jahren nur mit einer schriftlichen Einverständniserklärung der Eltern oder mit einer erwachsenen Begleitperson.

Aber: Jedes Kind ist unterschiedlich reif. Die eine Zwölfjährige übersteht ein Rockkonzert, für die andere ist der Rummel zuviel. Überlegen Sie also genau, ob Sie einem Konzertbesuch zustimmen, auch wenn Sie dabei sind.“


Google Translation:

Since when can my child to rock concert?

The band "Tokio Hotel" touring until the end of July through Germany. Tens of thousands of teenagers at the rotate through concerts, fans are always powerless and must be accompanied by paramedics from the amount withdrawn.

How dangerous are those concerts for young people? And what should parents do when their children idolize bands that are only about drugs, violence and sex sing? Two experts give advice.

Since when can my child alone to the concert?

Bettina Eistel, psychotherapist from Jugendamt Hamburg: "In the Minors Act, there is no specific regulation for concerts. Most organizers adhere to the following guidelines: children under six years of age may not enter the hall, young people under 16 years only with the written consent of the parents or with an accompanying adult.

But: Every child is different ripe. One Twelve-year-old stands on a rock concert, for the other is too much hype. Think about exactly whether you agree to visit a concert, even if you are.

Mittwoch, 25. März 2009

Tokio Hotel gewinnen Preis fürs Fernlernen

von Forum DistancE-Learning-Pressestelle
24.03.2009 - 12:57 Uhr - Bildung & Karriere

Die Trophäe des Studienpreises DistancE-Learning 2009

( Tom und Bill Kaulitz erhalten den Studienpreis DistancE-Learning 2009 in der Kategorie „Jugendpreis Fernlernen“

Wenn junge Stars zur Schule gehen wollen, aber nicht können – dann kommt die Schule ebene zu ihnen: Staatlich anerkannter Fernunterricht machte es möglich, dass sich Tom und Bill Kaulitz (beide 19) neben ihrer kometenhaften Karriere mit der Band Tokio Hotel auf ihren Realschulabschluss vorbereiten konnten. Als die Magdeburger Zwillinge im Jahr 2005 einfach zu berühmt wurden, um sich jeden Tag durch kreischende Fans den Weg ins Klassenzimmer zu bahnen und die vielen Termine mit einem normalen Stundenplan zu koordinieren, suchten sie nach einer Alternative und fanden sie an der Bochumer Web Individualschule. Was dann folgte, forderte viel Selbstdisziplin, denn den beiden wurde nichts geschenkt. Sie lernten zwei Jahre lang zwischen Konzerten und Studio-Aufnahmen, im Tourbus und in Hotelzimmern. Das Unterrichtsmaterial bekamen sie nach Hause geschickt. Im März 2008 legten sie ihre Prüfungen – mit Klausuren unter Aufsicht und mündlichen Prüfungen wie jeder normale Schüler auch – mit Bravour ab: Beide schafften dengleichen Notendurchschnitt von 1,8.

Tom und Bill Kaulitz werden aufgrund ihrer vorbildlichen Leistungen von einer unabhängigen Jury des Fachverbandes Forum DistancE-Learning mit dem Studienpreis DistancE-Learning 2009 in der Kategorie „Jugendpreis Fernlernen“ ausgezeichnet. In ihrer noch jungen Karriere haben die Jungs von Tokio Hotel schon viele Preise gewonnen – doch ein Studienpreis ist eine ganz neue Erfahrung. Leider in Abwesenheit der beiden, die in dieser Zeit auf Promotion-Tour für ihr neues Album sind, wird der Studienpreis DistancE-Learning am 27. April 2009 im Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) in Berlin vom Parlamentarischen Staatssekretär Andreas Storm den diesjährigen Preisträgerinnen und Preisträgern übergeben.

Zwei Jahre Fernunterricht an der Web Individualschule – das bedeutete für Tom und Bill konkret: Lernen, wo immer sie gerade unterwegs waren, und ein Austausch mit ihren Fernlehrern per E-Mail, Telefon oder Videokonferenzen, zu Zeiten, zu denen „normale“ Lehrer längst Feierabend haben: Das Konzept der Web Individualschule sieht einen Eins-zu-Eins-Service vor, der auf die jeweiligen Lebensbedingungen von Ausnahmejugendlichen eingeht. Zu ihren Fernschülern zählen immer mehr junge Künstler wie die Tokio Hotel-Zwillinge.

„Wir freuen uns sehr mit Bill und Tom Kaulitz, dass sie den Jugendpreis Fernlernen gewonnen haben“, sagt Sarah Lichtenberger, Direktorin der Web Individualschule. „Sie haben sich diesen Preis wirklich verdient, schließlich standen sie während ihrer Abschlusstermine unter starkem Druck: auf der einen Seite der große Respekt vor den Prüfungen, auf die sie sich sehr diszipliniert vorbereitet haben, andererseits dem beruflichen Ehrgeiz, ihre Fans nicht zu enttäuschen.“ Gemeinsam mit ihrer Schwester und zweiten Schuldirektorin, Jennifer Krautscheid, wird sie den Preis in Berlin stellvertretend entgegennehmen und den beiden Musikern in Kürze persönlich überreichen.


( Tom and Bill Kaulitz will receive the study DistancE-Learning 2009 in the category "Youth Prize distance"

When young stars want to go to school, but can not - then the school level to them, state-recognized distance learning has made it possible that Tom and Bill Kaulitz (both 19) in addition to their meteoric career with the band Tokio Hotel to prepare for their secondary school could. As Magdeburger twins in 2005 were simply too famous to every day by screaming fans the way to break into the classroom and the many events with a regular timetable to coordinate, they looked for an alternative and found it on the Web Bochumer individual school. What then followed, called for much self-discipline, because the two were not a gift. They learned about two years between concerts and studio recordings, in the tour bus and in hotel rooms. The teaching material they got sent home. In March 2008 they presented their tests - with exams under the supervision and oral exams as any normal student - with flying colors from both managed dengleichen grade point average of 1.8.

Tom and Bill Kaulitz, because of their exemplary performance by an independent jury of the Association Forum DistancE learning with the study DistancE-Learning 2009 in the category "Youth Prize Distance" award. In her still young career, the guys from Tokio Hotel has won many awards - but one academic award is a whole new experience. Unfortunately, in the absence of the two, which is currently on promotional tour for her new album, is the study DistancE-Learning on 27 April 2009 in the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) in Berlin, Parliamentary State Secretary Andreas Storm this year the winners and laureates over.

Two years distance learning at the individual school Web - that meant for Tom and Bill actually learning, wherever they were currently underway, and an exchange with their distance via e-mail, telephone or video conferencing, to times when "normal" teachers have long Feierabend have: The concept of the individual school Web provides for a one-to-one service, based on the current living conditions of young people received the exception. Her Fernschülern include more young artists such as the Tokio Hotel twins.

"We are very pleased with Bill and Tom Kaulitz, that they won the Youth Prize distance," says Sarah Lichtenberger, Director of the individual school Web. "They really deserve this award, and finally they were during their completion dates under heavy pressure: on the one hand, the great respect for the trials to which they have prepared very disciplined, and professional ambition, their fans not to disappoint. "Together with her sister and second school director, Jennifer Krautscheid, it will be the prize in Berlin and stands to take the two musicians will soon hand over personally.

(traduction google)

Traduction faite par Tokygirl pour TokioHotelUS

Tokio Hotel Bio

Emo quartet Tokio Hotel emerged as one of the most successful new German acts of their generation, scoring three number one singles via 2005's debut LP, Schrei. Bill and Tom Kaulitz, 12-year-old twins, formed the group in their native Magdeburg in 2001, recruiting bassist Gustav Schäfer and drummer Georg Listing to round out the lineup. Originally dubbed Devilish, the teen foursome toured aggressively before signing to Universal in 2003, adopting the moniker Tokio Hotel in tandem with the deal. Composed primarily by Bill Kaulitz in tandem with a series of high-profile songwriters, Schrei was preceded by the August 2005 release of Tokio Hotel's debut single, "Durch den Monsun." Teenage girls quickly embraced the band with puppy-love fervor, and by the end of the month the single topped the German pop chart and its Austrian counterpart. The follow-ups "Rette Mich" and "Der Letzte Tag" also hit number one, although the former appeared in a re-recorded version dramatically different from its LP version thanks to Kaulitz's post-pubescent vocal changes. After the singer wrapped his contributions to filmmaker Luc Besson's animated fantasy Arthur and the Minimoys, Tokio Hotel returned to the studio to complete work on their 2007 follow-up album, Zimmer 483.
~ Jason Ankeny, All Music Guide


Tokio Hotel und Four Artists Booking GmbH beenden Zusammenarbeit


Nach einer fast vierjährigen Partnerschaft und insgesamt 155 gemeinsamen Konzerten gehen Tokio Hotel und Four Artists zukünftig getrennte Wege.

Alex Richter, Geschäftsführer von Four Artists "Wir hatten unglaublich tolle und vor allem erfolgreiche gemeinsame Jahre. Four Artists hat Tokio Hotel vom ersten Konzert im kleinen Club bis in die Stadien der Welt begleitet - und das macht uns wirklich sehr stolz."

Wir wünschen Tokio Hotel von Herzen alles Gute und weiterhin viel Erfolg.


Translated on LiveJournal by Onerva

TH seperates from their tourmanagement Four Artists

After almost 4 years of partnership and 155 concerts, Tokio Hotel and Four Artists will go seperate ways from now on.

Alex Richter, manager of Four Artists: "We had amazing and especially very successfull years together. Four Artists accompanied Tokio Hotel from their very first gig in a small club till the big arenas of the world - and that really makes us very proud"

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish Tokio Hotel all the best and further success

Dienstag, 24. März 2009

Is David Foote's Art inspired by Tokio Hotel?

And What DOES Bill Kaulitz Smell Like?

Published by Tamar Anitai on Monday, March 23, 2009 at 8:58 pm.

Recently I was sent some super-duper posh and shmancy soaps by Venezuelan artist/ filmmaker David Foote. Foote, who directed A.R.E. Weapons’ “Weakest Ones” video and also lives under the immense burden of having been named one of the 50 most stylish people in the WORLD (In the WORLD!) by Fashion Week Daily, recently collaborated with a handful of lifestyle brands to launch a pop-up shop where you can buy all sorts of luxury products, all of which benefit St. Jude Children’s Hospital.

Anyway, as I said, I get the Jaboneria Marianella soaps (he and his mother own the small boutique company) in the mail, and they’re an intoxicating all-natural combination of almond, coconut, sandalwood, and fig, the latter two give it an extra sexy zing. Seriously, the ish smells like sweet, sweet sexy time. I keep one at my desk at work. Not because I’m a pre-vert, but because they smell like some kind of naughty-and-nice heaven. Like Madonna’s “Human Nature” video, but not as raunch. Anyway, they’re $20 each (the soap, not the sexy time or Madonna’s “Human Nature” video), and they’re totally NOT your dad’s soap. Unless your dad’s really effing hot.

So I open the box, and after nearly having a SENSUAL SEDUCTION moment on account of the sexy-time smell, my TOKIO HOTEL RADAR starts blipping and bleeping off the charts, because I immedes notice the packaging they’re wrapped in — David Foote’s “New Girls” black ink and white paint series (warning: don’t click if you can’t handle a few boobies) — looks like it’s covered in countless little Tim Burton-esque Bill Kaulitzes! (!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!)

Now, I doubt that David Foote was inspired by Bill Kaulitz or Tokio Hotel when he crafted his astoundingly intricate “New Girls” series or his soaps. But you can’t help but notice the similarities: The ringed cat eyes, heavy brows, the intense jet-black hair, the razor-sharp cheekbones! IT’S SO BK! AND, the soap is striated into beautiful black-and-cream lines. (Think old-fashioned ribbon candy… old-fashioned ribbon candy INSPIRED BY Bill Kaulitz?) Also, I don’t really recall Bill Kaulitz smelling like much of anything — no nasty cologne, and I don’t remember him smelling like candy or anything, but if I could attribute a scent to Bill, I’d have to say that the earthy-sexy, gender-bending (you reading this, Travis McCoy?) combination of sandalwood and fig do the job.

If you’re busy living every moment until the new Tokio album finally comes out, you’ve got $20 to spare, and you’re in the market to take a shower and make a charitable donation, check out David Foote’s “sehr” Bill Kaulitz soap. Stay clean, Tokio fans!


Top 10 Gender Bending Performers

This post was written by Mel Clarke

For decades, pop musicians have been trying to push the boundaries. Not only in terms of music genres and their capabilities as performers, but also with their appearance and sexuality.
With a lot of pop and rock music, image is a great portion of their performance, as well as their marketing standpoint among the industry.
This list is dedicated to a handful of people that decided their sexuality was anyone’s guess, and how they blurred that tricky line between what’s female and male.

Suggested soundtrack while reading this: Dude Looks Like a Lady - Aerosmith

# 10. Brian Molko
# 9. Kevin Barnes

# 8. Bill Kaulitz
Early last year, the world started to hear rumblings of a band called Tokio Hotel. While their name lends no meaning to the fact they’re German, they took over the world with their different music, as well as different dress style. The lead singer, Bill Kaulitz, a sprite young 20 year old tends to bend his gender a little bit too much. With his amazingly feminine eyes, tendency to overuse the “guy-liner”, and a figure which any woman would kill for.

His ever changing hair style, and well executed makeup only plays into his feminine side, despite the fact he has one of the largest female fan populations in the world currently.

# 7. Annie Lennox
# 6. Eddie Izzard
# 5. Grace Jones
# 4. Boy George
# 3. Prince
# 2. David Bowie
# 1. JD Samson (Le Tigre)

Credit to medds LJ

Freitag, 20. März 2009

Big in Japan Video Playlist: Tokio Hotel, Lupe Fiasco, Gwen Stefani & more!

Published by Daniel on Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at 12:42 pm.

Japan, that mysterious international capitol of design, technology, sci-fi-fashion and modesty, doesn’t always get the most flattering shake out here in the cowboy West. Just look at the classic Vapors video, “Turning Japanese.” It’s enough to make Lost In Translation blush (and I gave Nicole Scherzinger hell for her bindi?!?). But that Grand Canyon of a cultural divide that’s inspired so much misguided mockery, has also spawned some of the sincerest flattery.

We’ve got a new video playlist called “Big In Japan” up over at, just in time for cherry blossom season. Check out Japanese-inspired videos from Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Coldplay, Gorillaz and Gwen Stefani, as well as a handful from artists like Tokio Hotel, Tokyo Police Club and Japanese Motors. (Get it?) It’s the opposite of horbs.


Mittwoch, 18. März 2009

Gender-bending artist trips up Travis McCoy

It's not easy staying on top of today's music scene. Just ask Travis McCoy, frontman for the alternative hip-hop band Gym Class Heroes.

During a recent phone interview, McCoy fessed up about having a crush on the lead singer for the band Tokio Hotel.

"In the U.K., their posters were everywhere," McCoy said. "I'm like, this chick is kind of hot. I'm like, I'm sure she's pretty young but she's going to be cute, she's going to be hot when she grows up — not a chick at all."

Nope, Tokio Hotel's lead singer is an androgynous-looking German fella named Bill Kaulitz, who has taken to dressing like a Japanese anime character when on stage.

"It was one of those "Crying Game' moments where you have to take a shower — it was bad!" McCoy said. "I'm like, how dare you — that's false advertising!"

Kaulitz and Tokio Hotel would further vex McCoy.

"My girlfriend, my ex-girlfriend (Katy Perry) was up for Best New Artist (at the MTV Video Music Awards) and they won," McCoy said. "I'm watching the speech thinking "Just say thank you,' you know, and he went on and on. I'm not a hater so I can't get really deep into these guys."

In the words of Ray Davies, it's a mixed-up world. As for Gym Class Heroes, there's no confusing who these hitmakers are. The band comes Thursday, March 19, to the Prudential Center in Newark as part of Lil Wayne's "I Am Music" tour with T-Pain and Keri Hilson.

"I love it," McCoy said of touring with Lil Wayne. "Honestly, hands down, it's the most relaxing, laid back, fun, family-esque tour we've done in a long time."

The Gym Class Heroes story goes back to Geneva, N.Y., where the members — also drummer Matt McGinley, guitarist Disashi Lumumba-Kasongo and bassist Eric Roberts — met in gym class in 1997. The guys released a few independent records early on and then a copy of their demo fell into the hands of Fall Out Boy hitmaker Pete Wentz, who signed them to his Decaydance label. The group's breakthrough album, "As Cruel as School Children," was released in '06.

The band's 2008 follow up, "The Quilt," taps a bit more into of an R&B and funk vibe in comparison to the more pop-leaning "School Children." Upcoming is a McCoy side project with T-Pain and a new Gym Class Heroes album.

"We just rock out and a lot of people like it," McCoy said.

No confusion about that.


Tokio Hotel führt deutsche Band Charts auf My Space an

16.03.2009, 09:28 Uhr Ulrich Klein

Die Zeiten, in denen Chart-Liebhaber sehnsüchtig auf die wöchentliche Top-Ten-Charts im Radio warten mussten, sind vorbei. Auf MySpace lassen sich die Lieblingsmusiker der Community auf Knopfdruck ermitteln. Tokio Hotel führen die Liste der deutschen Lieblingsmusiker an.

MySpace untersucht die meist aufgerufenen Bandseiten seiner Community und erstellt daraus die so genannten MySpace-Charts. Aktuell führen Tokio Hotel die MySpace-Charts an, die in der Community unter dem Musik-Genre Rock laufen. Auf den zweiten Platz folgt die deutsche Industrial-Band Rammstein. Auf den dritten Platz haben die MySpace-Nutzer die Indie-Band Digitalism gewählt.

Ebenfalls beliebt bei den MySpace-Mitgliedern ist das "Metal-Urgestein" Skorpions, die sich trotz "Wind of Change" gut in der Hörergunst halten. Wie Vielfältig Musikgeschmack sein kann, beweisen die Community-Mitglieder mit dem fünften Platz: Nach Metal folgt Techno - vertreten von Paul van Dyk. Platz sechs geht an den Berliner Peter Fox.

An siebter Stelle folgt die Glam Rock-Band Cinema Bizarre und den achten halten die Hamburger Hip Hopper Deichkind. Vorletzter ist die Gothic-Band Ooomph! Auf Platz zehn kämpfte sich die Trash-Metal-Band Kreator.

(Stand der MySpace-Charts deutscher Bands: 16. März 2009)

MySpace Musik Top Ten

» 1. Tokio Hotel
» 2. Rammstein
» 3. Digitalism
» 4. Scorpions
» 5. Paul van Dyk
» 6. Peter Fox
» 7. Cinema Bizarre
» 8. Deichkind
» 9. Oomph!
» 10. Kreator


Mittwoch, 11. März 2009

Wie sieht denn Tokio-Bill jetzt aus?

Wie sieht Tokio-Bill denn jetzt aus?

Bills neuer Girlie-Look
Neuer Look für das neue „Tokio Hotel“-Album (erscheint im Mai)?
Zu Pocher kam Bill Kaulitz (19) im Girlie-Look

Bills neuer Girlie-Look
„Die“ neue Bill schien Rüpel-Rapper Bushido (30) zu gefallen


Blonde Spitzen, zweifarbig lackierte Fingernägel und ein umwerfendes fliederfarbenes Augen-Make-up. Schönes Mädchen, oder?

Nein, im absoluten Girlie-Look zeigte sich Bill Fraulitz – Entschuldigung! – Kaulitz (19) von „Tokio Hotel“ am Samstagabend.

Erst schaute er sich mit seinem Zwillingsbruder Tom (19) die Oliver-Pocher-Show „Gefährliches Halbwissen“ (Anfang Mai bei RTL) an.

Auf der anschließenden Party verriet Single-Bill, dass er sich mit Frauensachen ziemlich gut auskennt: „Meine Handtasche hab ich mir schon vor ein paar Jahren secondhand gekauft.“

Und darin blitzte auch noch ein Parfümflakon. Très chic! Hoffentlich verduften da mal nicht die weiblichen Fans ...

Source :


Blonde lace, two-tone painted fingernails and a stunning lilac-colored eye makeup. Beautiful girl, right?
No, in the absolute girlie look showed Bill Fraulitz - Sorry! - Kaulitz (19) of "Tokio Hotel" on Saturday evening.
First he looked with his twin brother Tom (19), the Oliver-Pocher show "semi dangerous" (in early May at RTL) to.
At the subsequent party betrayed single Bill that he worked with Frau things pretty well know: "My handbag I've been a few years ago bought secondhand."
And it flashed even a perfume bottle. Très chic! Hopefully do not beat it because the female fans ...

Montag, 9. März 2009

Bill Kaulitz: Haare und Make-up neu

Lebenszeichen von Tokio Hotel! Lebenszeichen von Bill Kaulitz!



Gestern Abend (7.3.2009) war Bill mit Bruder Tom überraschend zu Gast auf der Aftershowparty zu "Gefährliches Halbwissen", dem neuen Comedy-Bühnenprogramm von Oliver Pocher.

Nach der Premiere in der Berliner 02 World waren die VIPs zum Feiern weiter in die trendige Puro Lounge gezogen.

Ende Mai, spätestens Anfang Juni soll das dritte TH-Album erscheinen - und Bill will seinen Fans offensichtlich nicht nur neue Songs bieten, sondern sie auch mit einem neuen Bill überraschen.

Machen wir es kurz:

Bill hat seine schwarze Struwwelpeter-Frisur
mit weißen Strähnchen aus den letzten zwei Jahren gegen einen langen
schwarzen (Kunst-?)Zopf mit dicken weißen Synthetiksträhnen getauscht,
die auf Schulterblatthöhe als Dreadlocks enden. Tom lässt grüßen!

Ein krasser Wandel - aber nur Teil 1 von 2, denn auch sein Augen-Make-up hat er überarbeitet:

Zum schwarzen Lidstrich trug Bill am Samstagabend im Puro kräftigen rostroten Lidschatten!

Auf dem Foto ohne Zoom wirkt es fast, als wäre Tom vom neuen Look seines Bruders nicht so richtig begeistert. Was wohl Michael Kucharski, u.a. Promotionchef von Universal Music, denkt?



A sign of life from Tokio hotel! A sign of life from Bill Kaulitz!

And what a sign!

Bill Kaulitz new hairstyle alert!

Yesterday evening (07.03.2009) Bill and his borther Tom were surprise guests at the Aftershow part to "Gefährliches Halbwissen", the new comedy-show from Oliver Pocher.

After the premiere in the Berlin 02 world, the VIP's went to party at the trendy Puro Lounge.

Now the first exlcusive shot are taken from the newly styled Tokio hotel singer, that is showing you here exclusively!

(No, the blond lady on the left talking to Bill and Tom is not Heidi Klum, but Oliver Pochers model girlfriend Moica Invancan)

At the end of Mai and latest the beginning of June the third album will be released - and Bill doesn't just wanna show a new song, but also wanna surprise with a new Bill.

Bill has traded his big black hair with white stripes he has had for the past two years for long black hair with thick white braid synthetic streaks, that end at shoulder height as dreadlocks. Tom sends his regards!

A drastic change - but just 1 of 2 parts, cause also his eye make-up needed a new look:

With the black eyeliner Bill used a strong rust red eye shadow on saturdayevening in Puro.

On the photo without zoom it almost looks like Tom isn't impressed by his borthers new look. What will promotionchef Michael Kurcharski from Universal music be thinking?


Oliver Pocher's bunte Promi Party

Erst ein Lach-Feuerwerk bei Oliver Pochers Live-Show vor 10.000 Leuten in der O2 World, dann die Knaller-Party mit 1A-Promis.

Auf der Bühne nimmt Günther Jauch Cindy aus Marzahn in den Arm und grinst: „Wir zwei haben uns ein bisschen verliebt.“ Auf der After Party in der Puro Lounge, ist dann aber doch wieder Ehefrau Thea an seiner Seite.

Überraschend schlagen auch Tokio Hotel auf: „Oli ist cool. Wir sind extra aus Hamburg hergekommen, saßen in Reihe zwei bei seiner Show und haben uns weggeschmissen“, sagt Frontmann Bill zur B.Z.

Bis tief in den morgen unterhält er sich mit Rapstar Bushido – der mit gleich 12 (!) Bodyguards unterwegs ist, die allerdings gegen 5 Uhr morgens schlapp machen und in ihrer Hummer-Limousine abrauschen.

Als Bushido eine Stunde später rausgeht wird er nur noch von einer Blondine beschützt.

Source :


Pochers colourfull celebrity party!

Oliver Pocher made 10.000 people in the 02 world laugh. After that there was an exclusive party.

First a laughter explosion at Oliver Pochers live show before 10.000 people in the 02 world, then the kick ass party mit A-list celebrities.

On stage Günther Jauch takes Cindy from Marzahn in his arms and smirks: "We are a little in love". On the party in the Puro Lounge, his wife Thea is back on his side.

Surprisingly also Tokio hotel is there: "Oli is cool. We came here specially for him from Hamburg, were in the second row at his show and have laughed our asses off", tells frontman Bill to B.Z.

Till early in the morning he hangs around with rapstar Bushido - that is on the road with 12 bodyguards, that stay there till 5 in the morning and then leave in a hummer limousine.

When Bushido leaves a few hours later he is only accompanied by a blond woman.


Sonntag, 8. März 2009

Rock star Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel wears a Rolex yacht master

Posted by John Lavitt on March 6th, 2009

Showing the world that Rolex is the choice of the newest generation of real rock stars, singer Bill Kaulitz of the super hot MTV band Tokio Hotel wears a Rolex Yacht Master in gold and steel. Tokio Hotel is a German band founded in Magdeburg, Germany in 2001 by singer Bill Kaulitz, guitarist Tom Kaulitz, drummer Gustav Schäfer and bassist Georg Listing. The quartet have scored four number one singles and have released two number one albums in their native country, selling nearly 5 million CDs and DVDs. In 2007, the band released their second German album Zimmer 483 and their first English album Scream that have combined album sales of over one million copies worldwide and helped win the band their first MTV Europe Music Award for Best InterAct. Recently, the band picked up the Headliner award at the MTV Europe Music Awards held in Liverpool in 2008. At the very cutting edge of the modern music scene, Tokio Hotel is a powerful force in 21st century popular culture. Lead singer Bill Kaulitz leads the way, in terms of both fashion and attitude, and it is significant that he chooses to wear a Rolex watch. Such a choice reveals how Rolex never goes out of fashion no matter what the reigning style happens to be.

Revealing the extent of his popularity, Bill Kaulitz was immortalized in wax at the Madame Tussauds museum in Berlin. His wax statue was unveiled on September 30, 2008. At 19 years old, Bill is now the youngest person to be duplicated by the Madame Tussauds museum in Berlin. In December 2008, Bill Kaulitz was named “Man of the Year #6″ by MTV News. When asked what his greatest wish in life is, Bill Kaulitz answered, “Freedom to no end and a life filled with music until eternity.” Bill Kaulitz displays his sense of freedom by choosing the Rolex Yacht Master as his personal wristwatch. Available for a great price at Melrose Jewelers in a variety of styles, the Rolex Yacht Master is the premiere sportsman’s watch with the versatility of a refined scale. In the midsize, the dusky silver dial features oversized luminous hour markers and an easy to read date display. Contrasting the dial is an impressive unidirectional rotating bezel in brushed 18K yellow gold w/ polished Arabic numerals, which stands out against the cool stainless steel. The Oyster bracelet in stainless steel & 18K yellow gold gives the sporty design an additional touch of luxury. The Two-Tone Yacht Master with a luxurious champagne dial features oversized luminous hour markers and an easy to read date display. Originally designed to meet the demands of the sailor, Rolex Yacht Master is the versatile choice for the sailor of the rock star when casual luxury is a necessity.

Source Vampire G pour le FC Officiel Belge

Freitag, 6. März 2009

Tom had a fight with a fan

They did it, Tom Finally did it!
Apparently there was a posting on the German FC. A girl was sitting outside of their house and when Tom ignored them and they starting bitching at them and then Tom snaps! He apparently says something like "Just because i'm a musician, doesn't mean you can stand in front of my house." There is audio on youtube..its an audio recording with a cell phone

Tom Kaulitz streit mit einem Fan - MyVideo

Tom Kaulitz streit mit einem Fan - MyVideo

Transcript posted at the cult..
by vague_fiction

Fan: "Why don't you just give us an autograph Tom?"
Tom: "I don't want to give you anything, beat it, go home."
Fan: "Look, you're a star...why won't you give us an autograph?"
Tom: "I'm absolutely not a star, beat it!"
Fan: "What are you then?"
Tom: "I'm nothing."
Fan: "Then why... {part not understood} ... not, if you don't want?"
Tom: "What? Who says that if I make music, you can stand here. Who said that? Who gives you this right?"
Tom: "I'm just a person that also has his privacy."
Tom: "Beat it!"
Fan: "We're not doing anything."
Tom: "You're standing here, and that bothers me. Piss off!"
note: according to other translations, he said "f*** off", not "beat it"

at one point he says..
Quote: CherryX said
Fan: "What are you then?"
Tom: "I'm nothing."

German version.

Fan: "Warum gibst du uns nicht einfach Autogramme Tom?"
Tom: "Ich will keine geben, verpisst euch einfach, geht nach Hause.
Fan: "Kuck mal du bist ein Star man...warum gibst du uns keine Autogramme?"
Tom: "Ich bin überhaupt gar kein Star, verpisst euch mal!"
Fan: "Was bist du denn?"
Tom: "Gar nichts bin ich"
Fan: "Ja warum...(verwsteh ich nicht)...nicht auf, wenn ihr nicht wollt?"
Tom: "Was? Wer sagt den das wenn ich Musik mache, du hier stehen kannst? Wer sagt dir das denn? Wer gibt dir dieses Recht?"
Tom: "Ich bin doch ne Person die genau so Privatsphäre hat wie ihr auch"
Tom: "Verpiss dich!"
Fan: "Wir machen doch nichts"
Tom: "Du stehst hier, und das belästigt mich. Hau ab!"

Source Shannonlovesth pour THA

Experte: Tokio Hotel ebnet internationalen Weg für deutsche Musiker

Bad Hindelang (ddp-nrd). Die international gefragte Band Tokio Hotel hat die Türen für weitere junge deutsche Bands in vielen Ländern geöffnet.
Die Magdeburger Musiker hätten mit ihrem «sehr auffälligen Frontmann Bill Kaulitz einen sehr hohen Wiedererkennungswert», sagte Deville Schober von der Brainstorm Music Marketing AG im bayerischen Bad Hindelang im ddp-Interview. Ferner sei Bill zum Star geboren. Er habe ein perfektes Outfit, das nach wie vor wichtig in der Branche sei. Wie Bill hätten auch in der Vergangenheit schillernde Persönlichkeiten wie David Bowie, Peter Gabriel oder die Band Kiss etwas ganz Besonderes.

Mit Panik und Aloha From Hell betreut Brainstorm Music derzeit zwei deutsche Nachwuchsbands, die im Ausland erste Erfolge verzeichnen. Panik habe die Olympia Halle in Moskau gefüllt, in Paris, Budapest, Mailand und anderen europäischen Städten in ausverkauften Clubs gespielt, betont Schober. Aloha From Hell habe einen Plattenvertrag bei Sony unterschrieben und genieße mit dem ersten Album nun oberste Priorität bei BMG Japan. «Dies gab es seit Jahren nicht für eine deutsche Newcomerband», sagte Schober. Diesen Weg habe Tokio Hotel geebnet.

Ohnehin hat sich Schober zufolge hierzulande eine selbstbewusste Musikszene entwickelt. Die Vielschichtigkeit motiviere junge Bands. «Und es ist nahezu alles erlaubt, sofern es gut ist», betont Schober. Ein generelles Erfolgsrezept gebe es jedoch nicht. Aktuell gefragte Musiker wie Tokio Hotel, Silbermond oder Annett Louisan haben sich laut Schober ihre Fans erspielt und den wichtigsten Faktor im Musikgeschäft umgesetzt: «Sie berühren, sie wissen, was wichtig ist, nämlich Entertainment!» Das werde auch im Ausland bemerkt.

Hinzu kommt nach Eischätzung des Experten, dass sich international momentan «nicht sonderlich viel tut, es keine wirklichen neuen Strömungen gibt und viele internationale Musiker schlichtweg langweilig sind». Schober fügt hinzu: «Wenn man sich überlegt, wie wenige internationale Produzenten und Songwriter für wie viele Künstler produzieren und schreiben, lässt das auf Einheitsbrei schließen.» Das sei eine gute Chance für lokale Musiker.


(ddp-Interview) Expert: Tokio Hotel smoothes international way for German musicians

Bad Hindelang (ddp-nrd) The internationally sought-after band Tokio Hotel opened doors for other young German bands in many countries. In the ddp-interview Deville Schober of the Brainstorm Music Marketing AG in Bavaria’s Bad Hindelang says that with “their very conspicuous front man Bill Kaulitz” the musicians from Magdeburg would have “a high recognisability value”. Furthermore, Bill was born to be a star. He would have a perfect outfit which would still be important in the industry. Just like Bill, enigmatic personalities of the past like David Bowie, Peter Gabriel or Kiss would have also had something special [about them].

Currently Brainstorm Music Marketing supervises two up-and-coming German bands, Panik and Aloha From Hell, that are experiencing initial success abroad. Schober emphasises that Panik had filled the Olympia Hall in Moscow and played sold out clubs in Paris, Budapest, Milan and other European cities. Aloha From Hell had signed a record deal with Sony and their first album would enjoy highest priority with BMG Japan. “This has not happened to a German newcomer band in years,” says Schober. This way was smoothed by Tokio Hotel.

According to Schober a confident music scene had developed anyway over here [Germany]. Young bands are motivated by the complexity. “Almost anything is allowed, as long as it’s good”, emphasises Schober. However, there would not be a general recipe for success. According to Schober, currently sought-after musicians like Tokio Hotel, Silbermond or Anett Louisan gained their fans by playing [music] and realising one of the most important factor in music business: “They strike a chord, they know what is important, [and that is] entertainment!” That gets noticed abroad as well.

Furthermore, the expert reckons that internationally “there isn’t very much going on, there are no real new trends and many international musicians are simply boring” at the moment. Schober adds: “If one considers how few international producers and song-writer produce and write for how many artists, it suggests pabulum.” This would be a good opportunity for local musicians.

Montag, 2. März 2009

Exclusive TH TV Special Fanparty-Episode!!!

Diese Woche ist es soweit: Tokio Hotel TV ist zurück mit einer Special Episode mit den besten und witzigsten Szenen der TH-VMA-Fanparty. Freu dich auf Bill, Tom, Gustav und Georg beim Feiern, Gustavs irren Tabledance und ein unglaubliches Gewinnspiel! Nur noch ein paar Tage warten, nähere Infos demnächst hier...