Donnerstag, 30. April 2009

The Stalker girls report themselves in a video

Four girls, that make the life of Germany's most succesfull band difficult. Four girls, that have moved from France to Hamburg to follow tokio hotel every step of the way. Now they are showing themselves from before the camera.

"We are no stalkers", Perrine insists (21) in broken German in the interview.
She hides her eyes behind big sunglasses, just like the other girls. They keep themselves covered and let Perrine talk.

She is the one that was attacked a week ago by Tom Kaulitz (19). He was sick of the extreme fans. The band doesn't only claim they are stalkers, but also that they threatened there family.

"We have gotten used to the fact that there will always be stalkers. But when the attack our family, they cross a line. That's when the fun stops!" according to brother Bill (19) in an interview with youth magazine Bravo.

What happened? A group of french girls have been following the band for several months. They call themselves "les afghanes on tour". After an attack on the mother of the Kaulitz twins the boys from the Magdeburger rockband cancelled a trip to Los Angeles to record the third album. They only wanna go when they get it on paper from the police that the girl-gang isn't allowed to come near there family again. Current situation: allegation against allegation.

Even after all that happened the past week the band isn't mad at there real fans.

"We will never put them together in the same box as those stalkers!" according to Bill in Bravo.

And what do the tokio hotel fans say about this? Some of them are going to war. They are threatening the french girls in messages on youtube.


Translated by beertje_86

Tokio Hotel does not speak in the stalker theme again

Translation by bebe8888

Hamburg (dpa) - The teen-band Tokio Hotel leaves the problem of the violent fans just for the jurisdiction. As the magdeburger band's manager, David Jost said, the band won't publish more statements in connection with this case. At the begining of April Bill's twinbrother, Tom Kaulitz got accross with a young woman at a gas station in Hamburg. Subsequently, the manager releaved that, since a year, the band has been followed and stalked by masked girls.

Source: BT News

Mittwoch, 29. April 2009

Mess for Tokio Hotel

Source: Topp Norwegian website.

Where does the limit go?
Tom Kaulitz (19) and Tokio Hotel are trapped in a scandal with a group of hardcore Tokio Hotel-fans.

The French fan group with 4 girls has stalked the German rockband for the last 6 months and has even gone that far that they dress themselves up as 'criminals'. They call themselves "Les Afganes on Tour".

The German magazine BILD has managed to track down the four girls, who's name are Perrine (21), Georgina (25), Aurore (21) and Noemai (20).

-We are not stalkers, Perrine insists.
-We love their music, the lyrics. We don't follow them, we just want to know where and how they live. We're not interested in them, Perrine claims.

But the four extreme fans has started to compete with other fans on who knows the most of their private lives. They have even published videos online where we can see the girls following these artists.

-The main thing is that we always want to see Tokio Hotel. As more as we see them, we get happier, Perrine tells.

Perrines "love" for the band has gone that far that 2 years ago she moved from Paris to Hamburg just to live close to the twins Bill and Tom. She got a job, found an apartment in their neighborhood and usually she followed them around with her car.

Tom looses controll

April 15 2009, the fanlove went to far in a gas station in Hamburg.

BILD claims that Tom didn't managed to hold back his temper and hit Perrine in the face.
Perrine went straight to the police and pressed charges against Tom Kaulitz for this.
According to reports, Bill and Tom's mother got attacked by the girls just before the incident, something they have a view on:
- It was Toms mother that attacked us, with a coke bottle, Noemai claims.

The case will soon be in court in Hamburg.
Perrines lawyer, Burkhard Benecken (33) tells BILD that the girls wants:
- An apologize and a small replacement. We don't want to accept less then 10.000 Euro.

Tokio Hotels producer and manager David Jost, tells that the band has came to a conclusion and will:
- Just accept their offer if they stay out from the band and the bands family.

Tokio Hotel pressing charges against insane fans

The battle between tokio hotel and there so called extreme fans is getting even more bizarre!

The french girl Noemai (20) from the girl-gang "les afghanes on tour" claims they were attacked by the mother of the twins Bill (19) and Tom Kaulitz (19) with a cola bottle.

Now Germany's most famous rockband is defending themselves.

'these stalkers are really that arrogant to claim that they didn't attack the mother, but the other way around", tells tokio hotel producer and manager David Jost annoyed. "it is getting even more bizarre here!"

Since a half year the french girls have followed and threatened tokio hotel, were hanging around in front of there house and chasing them on the highway.

David Jost: "I don't hope they are planning more attacks. We don't just wanna pres charges against one member anymore but the whole group and will push through that they aren't allowed to come close to the band or the family anymore."


Translated by beertje_86

Dienstag, 28. April 2009

This is why we follow Tokio Hotel

Where can the fan madness still bring these girls?

• They follow Tom (19) and Bill Kaulitz (19) from "Tokio Hotel" every step they make.
• They disguise themselves like criminals.
• They call themselves : Les Afghanes on Tour.
• They are from France, and follow the musicians for already half a year.

There names: Perrine (21), georgina (25), Aurore (21) and Noemai (20). Bild-reporter ask the girls that show thelmselves for the first time without disguise: Why don't you just leave the boys from "Tokio Hotel" alone?

"We aren't stalkers", claims Perrine. "We love the music and the lyrics. We haven't followed them, we just wanna know where and how they live. That interests us."

Among the extreme fans a contest has started, who can see the boys most often in a private situation. Videos from the chases from those so called fans are then put on the internet.

Perrine: "The special thing is that we wanna see Tokio hotel always and everywhere. The more often you see them the happier you get."

With perrine it even went so far that she moved from paris to Hamburg to be close to Bill and Tom. The foudn a job (doesn't wanna tell what) and found a house close to the one of the twins, and then started following them.

On 15 April it went too far when Tom lost his patience at a Hamburger gasstation and hit perrine in the face. The young woman pressed charges.

Shortly before the mother of Bill and Tom would have been attacked by the "Afghans". The girls claim this is not true.

Noemai: "The mother from Tom has attacked us - with a cola bottle". The incident would have happened in front of the house of Bill and Tom where the "Afghans" were waiting for the twins.

What do they want next? There lawyer Burkhard benecken (33) to Bild: "An apology and compensation. We want at least 10.000 euro."

The mangement of the band didn't want to respond yesterday to the girls claims.


Translated by beertje_86

Tokio Hotel vs. Stalker

Jetzt melden sich die französischen Extrem-Fans zu Wort - Sie wollen 10.000 Euro!

Tokio Hotel haben zurzeit mächtigen Stress mit einer französischen Mädchenbande, die die Jungs auf Schritt und Tritt verfolgt, sich wie Gewalttäter vermummt und vor nichts halt macht, um ihren Idolen ganz nahe zu sein.

Vor einigen Wochen ist dieser Spaß aber zum bitteren Ernst geworden. Tom Kaulitz fühlte sich von den Extrem-Fans so belästigt, verlor die Nerven und schlug Stalkerin Perrine ins Gesicht.

Die 21-Jährige, die vor zwei Jahren wegen Tokio Hotel von Paris nach Hamburg zog, hat Tom nun wegen Körperverletzung angezeigt und fordert 10.000 Euro Schmerzensgeld.

Es gibt aber auch gute Nachrichten aus dem Hause Kaulitz: Bill und Tom wurden für ihre vorbildichen schulischen Leistungen mit dem "Jugendpreis Fernlernen 2009" ausgezeichnet.

Wir sind stolz auf euch, Jungs!


Tokio Hotel bekommen Jugendpreis


Bei all dem Ärger gibt es jetzt auch mal gute Nachrichten für Tom und Bill Kaulitz!

Im Moment haben die Jungs von Tokio Hotel nicht viel zu lachen - sie und ihre Familien werden von einer Gruppe französischer Mädchen verfolgt (» wir berichteten).

Gegenüber der "Bild"-Zeitung behaupten die Französinnen jetzt sogar: "Wir sind keine Stalkerinnen. Wir lieben die Musik, die Texte. Verfolgt haben wir sie nicht, wir wollten nur wissen, wo und wie die leben und wohnen."

Aber für Bill und Tom Kaulitz (beide 19) gibt es jetzt eine kleine Aufmunterung - sie bekommen den "Jugendpreis Fernlernen 2009" verliehen! Die beiden hätten per Fernkurs den Realschulabschluss "mit hervorragenden Noten bestanden", teilte das Bundesbildungsministerium mit. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!


Sonntag, 26. April 2009

The Album at a break

TOKIO HOTEL Tom Kaulitz Case: The album at a break!
Is David Jost aggravating things?

The manager of Tokio Hotel makes another declaration through an article of Bild that might add fuel to the fire: “The new album of Tokio Hotel is at a break!”

It seems that Bill and Tom are staying by their mother’s side because it would be the worst thing for them that she’s endangered and they lay aside other priorities!

Many start to ask questions abut this story and find things illogic!

Indeed, Not one moment Tom’s act of violence seems regretted, that would’ve
soothed the situation.

Of course the Stalking as it is related is unbearable but the time should be for regrets and the seek of calm.

The sanctions will fall on the two sides.

Some fans understand that Tom Kaulitz could loose it, but less that he could hit.
David Jost is charging heavily the stalkers and therefore don’t talk one bit of regret concerning Tom.
This declaration would kind of makes them guilty of “stopping” the new album will provoke another anger for the fans, if not more.

Must one play with the sensible string and talk about their mother to mobilise the Tokio Hotel fans even more against the stalkers?

It is a bit clumsy.

Knowing that, like it was said, they were supposed to go to Los Angeles to finish this album (It’s difficult as well to make head or tail with all those declarations concerning the new album and the release date),the other solution could’ve been bringing their mother along with them to recover from all these events and to make most of the sun in California or hire a security team to protect her.

Everybody’s eager for the official version reported by the two parties and the conclusion of this case.

Translation by Eien
Source: Starxinpress

Album wird verschoben

Bill und Tom verschieben Plattenaufnahmen
Mädchenbande stoppt neues Album von Tokio Hotel

Aus Angst um das Leben ihrer Mutter, die von der französischen Mädchen-Gang „Les Afghanes On Tour“ bedroht worden sein soll, blieben Bill und Tom in Deutschland

Bill (19) und Tom Kaulitz (19) sollten jetzt in Los Angeles ihr neues Album fertigstellen. Flüge waren gebucht, aber die „Tokio Hotel“- Zwillinge blieben. Aus Angst um das Leben ihrer Mutter, die von der französischen Mädchen-Gang „Les Afghanes On Tour“ bedroht worden sein soll.

Vor elf Tagen soll Tom an einer Tankstelle in Hamburg der Französin Perrine D. (21) geschlagen haben. Sie soll ihn zuvor beschimpft und eine Zigarette an seinem Auto ausgedrückt haben.

Höhepunkt einer monatelangen Jagd auf die Musiker? „Neben zahlreichen Belästigungen und Drohungen wäre es wegen der Autoverfolgungsjagden der Stalker auch schon mehrmals fast zu Verkehrsunfällen gekommen“, sagte Manager David Jost zu BamS. Bill und Tom erstatteten Anzeige, Perrine D. ebenfalls.

Dann schlägt der Anwalt der Französinnen vor, die Anzeige von Perrine D. zurückzuziehen, wenn die Zwillinge dasselbe täten. „Wir hatten zur Bedingung gestellt, dass sie eine Unterlassungserklärung abgeben, sich von den Jungs und deren Familien fernzuhalten.“ Statt zu unterschreiben, feuerten die Mädchen ihren Anwalt. Jost: „So werden wir die Anzeige nicht fallenlassen. Jetzt wird unser Anwalt einen Antrag nach dem Gewaltschutzgesetz und die noch ausstehenden Anzeigen gegen die anderen einreichen.“

Schon früher, so der Manager, hätten die Mädchen Autos der Band mit Flaschen beworfen. Am 8. April bedrohten sie die Mutter der Zwillinge. Jost: „Die Mutter zu bedrohen und in diesem Fall sogar anzugreifen, ist mit Abstand ist das Schlimmste für Bill und Tom. Sobald es um ihre Familienmitglieder geht, verschiebt sich bei den Zwillingen sofort jegliche vorher dagewesene Priorität.“ Darum wollen Bill und Tom ihre Mutter jetzt nicht allein lassen.

Woher kommt dieser unglaubliche Hass auf die Band? Ein Insider aus Fan-Kreisen erklärte kürzlich der Zeitschrift „Bravo“: „Vor einem Jahr haben sich einige der französischen Mädchen auf dem gleichen Gelände wie die ,Tokio Hotel‘-Zwillinge eine Wohnung gemietet, um so an die Jungs ranzukommen.“ Doch Bill und Tom wollten ihre Ruhe haben und an ihren freien Tagen ungestört entspannen. Der Insider weiter: „Das wiederum wollten die Stalker nicht akzeptieren und wurden sauer.“ Was jetzt rund um Band und Mädchen passiert – mit Fan-Liebe hat es sicher nichts mehr zu tun.



Bill and Tom postpone recording

Girl gang stops new Tokio Hotel album

Bill [19] and Tom Kaulitz [19] should have been in Los Angeles finishing up their new album. The flights were booked but the "Tokio Hotel" twins stayed. Out of fear for the life of their mother, which the French girl gang "Les Afghanes On Tour" have threatened.

Eleven days ago, Tom apparently hit Perrine D. [21], a French woman at a Hamburg gas station. Before that she was said to have insulted him before pressing out a cigarette on his car.

The boiling point from months of hunting the musicians? "After numerous harassments and threats, there have been many occasions where there were near accidents caused by car chases by these stalkers," says manager David Jost to BamS. Bill and Tom send in a complaint, Perrine D. as did as well.

Then the lawyer of the French women made a proposal to draw back Perrine D's complaint if the twins did the same. "We did it under the condition that they hand in a agreement for a restraining order so that they stay away from the band and their families." But instead of signing, the young women fired their lawyer. Jost: "This way we won't be dropping our charges. Our attorney applied for protection and still the charges that will go against the others."

Already in the past these girls had thrown bottles at the band's cars, says the band's manager. On April 8th, the young women threatened the mother of the twins. Jost: "Threatening their mother and in this case attacking her is if the worst that could happen to Bill and Tom. As soon as it comes to their family members, the twins push every other priority aside." This is why Bill and Tom don't want to leave their mother alone at the moment.

But where does this incredible hate on the band come from? An insider from the fan circle explained to the magazine "Bravo" not to long ago: "A year ago, a few of the French girls rented an apartment on the same grounds as the Tokio Hotel twins, just to get closer to them." But Bill and Tom wanted their peace on their free days. The insider continues: "The stalkers on the other hand didn't want to accept that and got angry." What's going on with the band girls at the moment seriously doesn’t' have anything to do with fan love anymore.

Translated by Lenny


Freitag, 24. April 2009

They girls don't want to stop

For months masked girls harassed Tokio Hotel ( MOPO reported). In one case a fan even attacked the mother from the twins, and Tom and Bill had filed charges. And the stalkers don't want to stop, according to the manager David Jost. After the scandal at the gas station ( where Tom slapped the french girl Perrine) the laywer of the fanatic girls wanted to find a settlement. The Teenie-Stars offered the girl gang to drop the lawsuit, under the condition the girls confirm in writing, that they will never ever get close to Tom and Bill's family again. But the girls don't want to stop. They fired their laywer. Two of three stalkers have removed their attorney, said Jost

May Tokio Hotel sleep calmly again?

The lawyer recommends a peace proposal!

After that a stalker gang attacked the band and Tokio-Tom freaked out on the petrol station, the girls's lawyer discussed with Bill (19) and Tom's (19) lawyer.

His proposal: they withdrawn the denunciation against Tom, if the band withdrawn the denunciation and the further criminal action against the girls.

David Jost, the manager and producer of the Tokio Hotel, said about the other side's peace proposal: "Of course it is just possible if the stalkers never approach the family members and Bill and Tom anymore."


The guitarist of Tokio Hotel, Tom Kaulitz (19) hit a young woman (21) on her face a week agon, on a petrol station, after that she stumped a cigarette on his car. The woman denounced the rock star promptly.

The woman is a member of a stalker-gang from France. They call themselves "Les Afghanes on Tour". The gang consists of four girls, who follows the bands every single step since half a year. The young women are often disguised or masked.

Supposedly, the stalkers bombarded the flats of the bandmembers. They thrown their cars with eggs, wrote threating letter and they harassed the family members.


Translation to swedish by Freja,
To english by Kaa89

Kommt es zur Einigung im Tokio Hotel Fall?

Jetzt verhandeln die Anwälte - werden die Anzeigen fallen- gelassen?

Gibt es doch noch eine positive Wendung im Fall Tokio Hotel vs. "Les Afghanes on Tour"?

Nachdem Tom Kaulitz (19) beschuldigt wurde, ein Mädchen ins Gesicht geschlagen zu haben, kam heraus, das die Band schon seit längerem von einer Girl-Gang, zu der dieses Mädchen gehört, terrorisiert wird (» wir berichteten).

Und jetzt versuchen die Anwälte dieses Chaos zu entwirren. Laut "Bild" soll der Anwalt der Girl-Gang angeboten haben, die Strafanzeige gegen Tom fallen- zulassen, wenn Tokio Hotel im Gegenzug ihre Anzeige gegen die Mädchen zurückzieht.

TH-Manager David Jost sieht die Sache aber skeptisch: "Das kommt nur in Frage, wenn sichergestellt ist, dass sich die Stalker den Familien-Mitgliedern von Bill und Tom nicht mehr nähern", betont er.

Dienstag, 21. April 2009

Bill and Tom from Tokio Hotel asking for policial protection

It seems that the harrassment which the members of Tokio Hotel (specially the brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz) have been submitted in the last weeks doesn't have way to get better. Some days ago there was an incident in a gas station between a group of fanatical girls and Tom Kaulitz.
Because of this incident, we could open our eyes about a harassment that Tokio Hotel have been suffering since some weeks ago. Something that is causing a big concern in the young musicians and their families.

The agressions, as we said begore, are mainly made by a group pf girls that harass the band Tokio Hotel everytime. Their behaviours include the rent of an apartment near the recording studio of the band. Constants persecution on the streets and by car. Calls threatening and anonymous done in the dawn, verbal and physical agressions to their family members.

All this took, according our sources in Hamburgo, the members of Tokio Hotel to ask for policial protection and investigations about the constant harassments thet have been submitted. For now, the police is still investigating the gas station's incident of last week, where Tom Kaulitz was involved. The families of the Tokio Hotels musicians can be collecting fotographic, videographic and auio evidences has support of their complains and resquest of protection. We believe that, in the next days, a interrogation to the envolved [stalkers] can be done.

Translation by aniinhas

Werden Tokio Hotel von Stalkern bedroht


Offenbar werden die Jungs von einer französischen Mädchen-Gang terrorisiert!

Letzte Woche gab es schwere Vorwürfe gegen Tom Kaulitz (19) von Tokio Hotel - er soll an einer Hamburger Tankstelle ein Mädchen ins Gesicht geschlagen haben (» wir berichteten).

Dafür gäbe es natürlich keine Entschuldigung - aber aus dem Nichts scheint Toms Attacke auch nicht gekommen zu sein. Angeblich werden Tokio Hotel schon seit längerem von einer französischen Girl-Gang namens "Les Afghanes on Tour" verfolgt, wie auf "" berichtet wird.

Die Gruppe soll die Tokio-Hotel-Mitglieder und deren Familien bereits so massiv bedroht haben, dass jetzt Anzeige erstattet werden soll. "Diese vermummten Mädchen sind keine Fans, sondern das sind militante Stalker, das hat mit wahrem Fantum nichts zu tun", erklärte Band-Manager David Jost jetzt laut "Süddeutsche Zeitung".

"Wir werden Anfang der Woche weitere Strafanzeigen erstatten und unter anderem auch beantragen, dass sich diese Stalker der Band und vor allem den Familienmitgliedern der Band nicht mehr nähern dürfen", so Jost.

Montag, 20. April 2009

Stalkers still haven't learned their lesson

Apparently the girls who’ve been stalking Tokio Hotel still haven’t learned their lesson, and have begun to camp outside the twins’ house again! What will it take for them to stop?

An article by Promi News indicates that this is the case and fans haven’t stopped to invade the boys’ lives. The article also reveals more about the girls, saying they moved to Hamburg and found a residence on the same street as Bill and Tom. Then, when the twins moved, the girls did the same and found a new place to live on their new street. Not only do they camp outside the twins’ house, but they follow them in cars when they leave, and even try dangerous driving manuvers to get pictures of them. Read the translation of the article below for all the info!

If the latest rumors are true, then the infamous French women haven’t learned anything and are again holding a siege in front of the Kaulitz house.
Where did those cameras that were at the scene shortly after the police arrived and a.o. the witness report recorded, come from that fast? Both the police and the ambulance personel probably had other things on their mind than - without knowing how edgy this mission would turn out to be - to inform the press in the middle of the night.

It is also unlikely that staff or the owner of the gas station were looking for media presence in this situation. It is also unlikely that a whole camera team was their ‘by coincidence’ at the right time, in the right place.
Where did the press get their information?

This question is especially interesting when one knows that the ‘victim’ is notorious in france as a hardcore/an obnoxious stalker.
According to several people who know the ‘victim’, she and some of her friends didn’t just move to Hamburg from France, but they looked for a residence in the same street as the Kaulitz twins lived at the time.
According to rumor the constant presence of this clique was the reason the twins left their residence there - and then the girls also started looking for a new residence, again very close to their idols.
But just being in close geographical proximity was not enough for the ladies. If we are to believe our informant, they bothered the brothers every free minute they had, followed them in their car, every step they took, and camped out in front of their front door.
They didn’t even shy away from dangerous overtaking manoevres to photograph Bill behind the wheel, from a moving vehicle. [BITCHES! They want him to end up like Lady Di?] They also got into it verbally and violently with the twins’ mother, and were sued for it.
They didn’t leave normal neighbors alone either, but abused them with screaming and provocations to move their car, so that they would have a better view to watch the Kaulitz brothers and to block their way out.
Their countless ‘trophies’ in the shape of pictures the clique proudly displayed - now taken down from the net without exception - on their blog entries, in which they called their activities ‘playing catch’. Together with the line ‘You can’t get away…’ under these pictures, they give the impression of an unhealthy obsession.
According to several witness reports, polite attempts to make these ladies understand that their permanent present wasn’t welcome, reinforces this impression {that about the unhealthy obsession, sorry for the clumsy translation} and makes it possible to assume that their looking for attention would possibly not have stopped before any press contacts.
When we look at the situation again with this history in the back of our minds, it’s rather unlikely that Tom Kaulitz would have thrown a cigarette stub at them on purpose and looked for a direct confrontation with them. It is much more likely that the group followed him to the gas station and got closer to the care without being noticed at first.
That he didn’t react well to new harassment and bothering and that his hand slipped after the young French woman vandalized his car, is not something that should be excused, but it is something that is understandable.
Even people who didn’t approve of his reaction on one side (”One doesn’t hit women”), admit that on the other side, under pressure of constant harassment from pushy fans and stalkers, people can react out of proportion.
This is the concensus most people can agree with, because after all Tom Kaulitz is one in a long list of celebrities who in face of constant being followed - by fans or papparazzi - temporarily lost their composure.
Source/Translation: th_cult on LiveJournal

Buzzworty News

Holy Tokio Hotel fandom insanity. Numerous sources are reporting that Tom Kaulitz allegedly threw a lit cigarette at a girl at a gas station, and the girl then put out the cigarette on his car, prompting Tom to hit or punch her. And the whole incident was allegedly caught on camera, and NOT in the Tokio Hotel Caught On Camera way you all know and love.

Apparently the girl Tom Kaulitz allegedly punched is involved with a small group of French fans who call themselves “Les Afghans on Tour,” who’ve stalked Bill and Tom Kaulitz and even attacked their mother.

There are still many unknowns and a lot of room for conjecture, but many Tokio Hotel fans are siding with and defending Tom, assuming that he snapped. My opinion: While it’s true that artists do give up their privacy in exchange for fame (and stalking can be a really unfortunate and scary side of life in the public eye), true fans know that the best way you can show your love for an artist is to give them as much privacy and space as possible. No matter how badly you want to have their babies. These girls got the attention they’re looking for. Now let’s ignore them, please! And please, Tokio Hotel, if you don’t already have it, get some SERIOUS 24/7 security. And some restraining orders.

Seriously, EVERYBODY just needs to chill the eff down and LEAVE TOKIO HOTEL ALONE, okay? No, punching people in the face is NOT cool no matter what. Yes, the entire thing is effed. What’s also effed: The cheese slices (look below the jump) and the Hollywood Undead masks or whatever.

Seriously people, drop the keffiyehs and Scream masks (Scream the movie, not the Tokio Hotel album) and, in the words of Mary J. Blige, let’s embrace a no-more-drama lifestyle when it comes to Tokio Hotel, shall we?

+ WTF-SERIOUSLY-cheese-on-steering-wheel pic below the jump.

Gala News

Credit: Please credit if you copy the article :') <3

Tokio Hotel: Fans defend Tom Kaulitz
More and more fans of the teen band Tokio Hotel have the opinion that Tom Kaulitz was right with hitting the Stalker.

Now even the Fans are on his side: In a lot of Internet boards more and more fans have the opinion that Tom was right with hitting the Girl on Thursday night.

At a gas station in Hamburg, the young musician hit a girl who asked him for an autograph. Subsequently, the girl fell to the ground - her friend threw Tom against his Audi, before he drew away. This showed the video footage of the incident. Now, however, it became apparent that the girl followed Tom since he left the recording studio in Lüneburg, and that she probably is a member of a masked gang from France, which has been following the Band for years, a lot of Fans show understanding for Tom’s reaction.

In the Board on, for example, in an entry from ‘daja’: ‘hello he’s just a human being too, just because he is a star it doesn’t say that he isn’t allowed react like this my god I would do the same if someone would be bugging me like this. ” On ‘tomsgirl’ commented : “If there’s nothing to scare the Gang away, I think I would also drive away out of instinct. And the german fans can also behave badly, I think that’s totally idiotic. If you behave different, calmer, then the boys will take you seriously.” On the other hand there’s a user contribution on from ‘normalo’: “The guys are just too cute! And they can’t endure some frustrated ugly Girls! Why don’t they use the Stalker-law against those girls?!!!”

Shock and rejection were the first reactions, when the media reported about the incident. A user named ‘martix’ was outraged: “I think that’s very bad, where’s their function as a role-model?” meikel44 saw just a lot of thanklessness in Tom’s activity: “The fans have made Tokio Hotel as big as they are now. And that’s how they thank them. It seems that they don’t need their fans anymore, they have enough money now.” kur1 comment on the incident: “Such boys need to be punished severely. It should be calculated on their income. It shoudl hurt a lot.”

Perez Hilton Blog News

Hard to believe but Perez Hilton (Tokio Hotel Hater Number one) posted this on his blog.

We've just found out why Tokio Hotel guitarist Tom Kaulitz smacked a fan in the face at a German gas station last week!

The fan who stubbed out her cigarette onto Kaulitz's car belongs to a French girl gang named Les Afghanes on Tour (aka: The Afghans on Tour)!

The gang has taken it upon themselves for the past six months to stalk and harass the band and their family members!


There's never an excuse for violence, but this girl sounds like a complete wacko!

The Afghans on Tour are known for making the band's life hellacious: egging Tokio Hotel's cars, writing threatening letters to the group and even harassing band members' families !

The girl gang took it to the next level a few weeks ago and sent a letter to band members proclaiming, "Attention, attention… we are unsatisfied. We're getting impatient. DO YOU UNDERSTAND US???"

Tokio Hotel's manager David Jost has confirmed charges the group has brought against The Afghans: "One of the hooded stalker girls attacked a family member of Bill and Tom on the April 8th. We put in charges the following day against the girl and now another complaint."

Will the smack Kaulitz gave the girl end up royally screwing the band's chance of bringing legal action against the gang???

Sonntag, 19. April 2009

Latest Stalker News

thanks sorion for the source and translation:
More info... this time from nq online . And we have two direct quotes from Jost:

The Magdeburger band Tokio Hotel ("Schrei!") and family members of the musicians have been followed and threatened by stalkers for years. Tokio Hotel manager David Jost confirms this to the German press agency dpa.

The four young men around front singer Bill Kaulitz (19) and their families had to change their living address several times. Currently, the musicians are being stalked by a group of masked girls. "Those masked girls are no fans, they are militant stalkers; they have nothing to do with true fandom."

After an assault against one of the family members of the Kaulitz twins, the band has pressed charges against one of the stalker girls. "We will press more charges at the beginning of next week and will demand that the stalkers may no longer get close to the band, and more importantly to their families," writes Jost in an email.

(Thank you David! ♥)

there is also some information there at (translation needed), thanks angelspit


Soweit soll es bei Tokio Hotel nicht kommen. Jost schrieb, die Polizei habe den Musikern empfohlen, Beweise gegen die Stalkerinnen zu sammeln. Bill, Tom und Mitglieder der Familie Kaulitz hätten deshalb seit einigen Wochen damit begonnen, die Verfolgerinnen zu filmen und zu fotografieren. Auch darauf hätten die Stalkerinnen aggressiv reagiert. «Unter anderem schlugen sie einem Familienmitglied das Foto-Handy aus der Hand.»

With Tokio Hotel it should not go that far (a knife in the back like Steffi Graff). The police recommended that the musicians collect evidence against the stalkers, wrote David Jost. Since a few weeks ago Bill, Tom, and members of the Kaulitz family have started to film and photograph the stalkers. The stalkers reacted aggressively to that too. "Among other things, they hit the cell phone cum camera out of the hand of a family member."

Militante Stalker

Zu viel Nähe: Die Band Tokio Hotel fühlt sich von einer Gruppe weiblicher Stalker verfolgt . Das soll auch der Grund sein, warum Gitarrist Tom Kaulitz eine junge Frau verletzt hat.

Tokio Hotel, dpa
Die Magdeburger Band Tokio Hotel und ihre Familien werden nach Angaben ihres Managers seit längerem von einer Gruppe weiblicher Stalker verfolgt und bedroht. Tokio-Hotel-Manager David Jost sagte, die vier jungen Männer um Sänger Bill Kaulitz (19) und ihre Familien hätten deshalb ständig ihre Wohnorte gewechselt. Aktuell würden die Musiker von maskierten Mädchen belästigt.

Jost bestätigte, dass dies auch der Hintergrund für einen Zwischenfall an einer Hamburger Tankstelle war, bei dem Bills Zwillingsbruder Tom Kaulitz mit einer jungen Frau aneinandergeraten war. "Diese vermummten Mädchen sind keine Fans, sondern das sind militante Stalker, das hat mit wahrem Fantum nichts zu tun", betonte Jost.

Nach einem tätlichen Angriff auf ein Familienmitglied der Kaulitz-Zwillinge habe die Band Strafanzeige gegen eine Verfolgerin gestellt. "Wir werden Anfang der Woche weitere Strafanzeigen erstatten und unter anderem auch beantragen, dass sich diese Stalker der Band und vor allem den Familienmitgliedern der Band nicht mehr nähern dürfen", schrieb Jost in einer E-Mail. Stalking (obsessives Verfolgen) ist ein Straftatbestand. In Deutschland stehen darauf bis zu drei Jahre Haft.

Nach Angaben der Hamburger Polizei wird gegen Tom Kaulitz ermittelt, weil er am vergangenen Mittwochabend eine 21-Jährige an einer Tankstelle leicht im Gesicht verletzt haben soll. Jost bestätigte auch diesen Vorfall, betonte aber: "Weder Tom noch ein anderes Bandmitglied würde jemals die Hand gegen einen Fan erheben."

Die junge Frau soll nach Angaben der Bild-Zeitung Mitglied einer französischen Gruppe namens "Les afghanes on tour" sein, die stets vermummt auftritt und der Band aggressiv nachstellt.

Aufregung um Tom

Samstag, 18. April 2009
Wie ihr sicherlich alle mitbekommen habt, gab es in den letzten Tagen eine Menge Aufregung um eine Auseinandersetzung zwischen Tom und einem angeblichen Fan. So soll es unterschiedlichen Berichten zufolge auf einer Tankstelle zu Handgreiflichkeiten zwischen beiden gekommen sein. Was nun genau vorgefallen ist, ist immer noch unklar.

Fest scheint jedoch zu stehen, dass der "Fan" eine der Band bekannte Stalkerin ist. Diese gehört zu der Gruppe "“Les Afghanes on Tour”, welche unsere vier Jungs schon seit einigen Monaten verfolgt und belästigt. Weitere Details findet ihr auf


Samstag, 18. April 2009

Livejournal News

Tokio Hotel: Guitarist in center of investigation, while band presses charges on Stalkers.
written by shannonlovesth

As you have already heard Tom and the band are now involved in a investigation against him by the Hamburg Police Department. We believe in posting things that are fact and not Rumor that is why we waited to post this story here. This is a very difficult time for the band and we respect them enough to things that are facts and not fiction. There are so many articles about this story in many different languages and each reporter seems to be letting their opinions on Tom over shadow the facts.

Instead of posting a million articles that you could read through we just post highlights of information.

Here is what has been confirmed by Police and the management.

The Hamburg Police department has confirmed that on the night of Wednesday April 15, 2009 4 or 5 girls reported an assault on one at a Hamburg Gas Station.

Police Department's Report
According to a press release by the Police a 21 year old female was recieved minor facial injuries after a 19 year old musician hit her in the face. The female states that the she recognized the man and knocked on the window asking for a picture. The man responded by throwing a cigerette out of his window. The female then picked up the cigerette and pushed it against the car. The man exited his car and hit her in the face. When Police arrived he had already left.

The press release does not say that "Tom Kaulitz" or "Tom Kaulitz Trumper" was involved. But later a spokesperson for the Police Department said they were going to contact Tom about the investigation.

Security Tape
Security camera's at the gas station are said to have picked up the incident, but at the moment it is not known to the public what they show. They are said to be with the Police.
But on Thursday a RTL reporter claimed he saw the tape. He states the video shows Tom exiting his car, hitting the girl, and then driving off but nothing else.
Tabloids reporting that tapes show other things like Tom pushing another girl and then hitting a girl. One German tabloid reported that their was someone else in the car.
The tapes nor information on what they contain has not been made public by the Police.

Tom's side of the story.
Tom's side of the story is not yet known to the public. RTL reported on Wednesday(4/15) that Tom was to be questioned by Police later that day or on April 16th. But a spokesperson for the Police department told newspapers that Tom would receive a letter in a few days allowing him to tell his side of the story.

Stalkers and Management's Statement
Speculation that the girls involved were stalkers of the band immediately spread across the internet by fans. For the last few months information about a group of girls who had been harassing the band, their family and friends had been floating around forums and fansites. Images of the band were said to be taken by "fans" were released on blogs, many showing the band members cars, home, and friends. 2 weeks before the incident it was said that girls had been camping outside the studio. Early this week it was said that stalker activity outside the band's studio was out of control.

Tokio Hotel's manager David Jost spoke to BILD on April 17th saying that for the past few months the band had been dealing with a group of 5 French girls. They wrote threatening letters to the band, one that was obtained by the newspaper states that they were to cause a "nightmare" for the band in upcoming weeks. That nightmare is allegedly the incident that took place on April 15.

Jost revealing that on April 8th an incident involving the girls in masks chasing and assaulting band members Bill, and Tom's mother occurred and that the band pressed charges against and would now be pressing more. Also it is said that these girls through eggs at the band members cars and houses and verbally harassed the members.

All of these incidents were reported as rumors on fan clubs, forums, and fan sites prior to April 15th.

On a now deleted Myspace account the girls referred to themselves as "The Afghans On Tour". On the profile videos of the band along with images of the girls wearing simple masks to Afghan scarfs over their face can be seen while Lady Gaga's Paparazzi plays in the background. One girl in the images appears to have a black eye.

Blogs that once contained stalker material have been either deleted or material has been removed. Some have been replaced with words from "I support Tom Kaulitz." to "I Hate Tokio Hotel Fans."

Fan's Reaction

Most fans seem to understand what Tom did was wrong but still believe that he was pushed over the edge. Many are being very supportive and doing everything they can to let the band know they are still there for them. On the Official German Fan Club for the band fans have admitted to even trying to help with the investigation by sending links to stalkers blogs and screencaps of the pages that they had collected over time to investigators. Many fans have been expressing their thoughts on both situations via Messages boards, Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace. Negative comments regarding Tom that are made on the internet do not go unnoticed by these fans either.

We will update when we get more information.

Fans diskutieren immer heißer

Fans diskutieren immer heißer
Fans diskutieren immer hitziger über den Ausraster von „Tokio Hotel“-Gitarrist Tom Kaulitz (19).
Nachdem BILD erfuhr, dass die junge Frau, der Tom ins Gesicht geschlagen hatte, zu der Stalker-Gang „Les afghanes on tour“ gehören soll, zeigen einige Fans Verständnis für Toms Ausraster. Die Gang soll die „Tokio Hotel“-Jungs seit Monaten verfolgen und die Mutter der Kaulitz-Zwillinge angegriffen haben.

„Wir wissen ja alle, wie viel ihm seine Mum bedeutet“, schreibt User „Channy“ und meint, Tom habe „in dem Moment einfach rot gesehen, was ich persönlich auch noch verstehen könnte. Was aber keine Entschuldigung für den Schlag sein sollte“.

User „tomi1“ geht noch weiter: „Tom wird dem ,Fan" sicher nicht ohne Grund ins Gesicht geschlagen haben. Bitte, wer ist so krank und nervt die Jungs ein halbes Jahr, und drückt eine Zigarette auf der Fensterscheibe aus. Das versteht doch jeder, dass man dann mal ausrastet.“
„tracyg“ sieht das ganz anders: „Ich bin einfach sprachlos wenn ich die Beiträge hier durchlese. Tom sitzt in einem geschlossenen Auto. Wie hat er sich ,bedroht' fühlen können?“ Und weiter: „Er hat sich was zu Schulden kommen lassen, sie nicht. Hört auf, Ausreden für sein Benehmen zu finden, es gibt keine“.

Auch „7Together“ meint: „Um vom eigenen Verhalten abzulenken, werden nun irgendwelche Fans ans Messer geliefert.“
„Channy“ wirft eine interessante Frage auf: „Im Moment bin ich eher am überlegen, ob das nicht von den Mädchen super gut eingefädelt wurde. In dem Brief haben sie ja geschrieben, dass sie den Jungs Horrorzeiten bescheren wollen. Und was kann man da bei einem Promi schön machen?“

Tokio Hotel haunted by militant stalkers

Threatening letters and hate videos on the internet: The band Tokio hotel feels haunted by four young woman from france. In a message they claim this to be the reason why guitar player Tom Kaulitz got touchy towards a young woman. The police is negotiating in this case.

The band Tokio Hotel is already being haunted more then a half year by the militant group of stalkers. The 21 year old, that got hit by guitar player Tom Kaulitz, is one of the four that mostly walk around masked or in disguise, young woman from france, reports "Bild". The stalkers follow the band every step they take and threaten them.

Bandmanager David Jost has confirmed the incidents. One of the "disguised stalker girls" has assaulted a family member of the twins Tom and Bill Kaulitz on 8 April, reports "Bild", this should be the mother of the musicians. Charges will be pressed against the assaulter, more will follow.

The gang, that calles themselves "Les Afghanes on Tour (The afghans on tour), reportadly have stormed the house of the bandmembers, and thrown egs against there cars. Also did the woman send threatening letters. In one of the letters that they got, the stalkers have announced a "little nightmare". "We aren't happy. We are impatient" it says.

Underneath the name "les Afghanes on Tour" there excists a now expelled profil at the social network myspace. Expelled is the page of a 23 year ols woman from Hamburg, that shows herself in a picture with a palestinian cloth over her face. As motto she wrote: "is willing to make the lives of other people a living nightmare". Expelled is also a youtube video from Tokio Hotel, with in the heading "Tokio hotel, "Hey, we are....shit!"

The Hamburger police is now negotiating against Tom Kaulitz his charges for assault. At wednesday night at a gasstation in a part of Hambrug called Bahrenfeld he has hit a 21 year old in the face with his fist.

The woman has told, she only wanted to take a picture of the 19 year old.
After that Kaulitz would ahve thrown out a burning cigarette. The 21 year old then pressed the cigarette against his window after which Kaulitz got out of the car and hit her. The woman was accompanied by four friends.


Bravo Otto Wahl Results

1º Jonas Brothers
2º US 5
3º Tokio Hotel
4º Linkin Park
5º Simple Plan
6º The Pussycat Dolls
7º Cinema Bizarre
8º Paramore
9º Chinaski
10º My Chemical Romance

Freitag, 17. April 2009

Abendblatt News

Schlägerei auf Tankstelle an der Stresemannstraße
Anzeige! Veilchen von Tokio-Hotel-Star Kaulitz?

Der Gitarrist der Band Tokio Hotel, Tom Kaulitz, soll in der Nacht zu Donnerstag an einer wilden Schlägerei auf der Aral-Tankstelle an der Stresemannstraße (Bahrenfeld) beteiligt gewesen sein. Das bestätigte die Polizei dem Hamburger Abendblatt.

Nach ersten Ermittlungen soll der Streit gegen 23 Uhr eskaliert sein: Die Französin Perrine D. (21) war mit vier Freundinnen auf der Tankstelle und hatte den Star in dessen Auto erkannt. Angeblich klopfte sie dann an der Seitenscheibe und bat Tom Kaulitz um ein gemeinsames Foto. Doch der Teenie-Star soll, so gab es die junge Frau später zu Protokoll, nur eine brennende Zigarettenkippe aus dem Auto geschnippt haben. Daraufhin soll die 21-Jährige die Zigarette gegen eine Scheibe des Autos von Kaulitz gedrückt haben.

Angeblich kam es daraufhin zu der wüsten Schlägerei zwischen Kaulitz und Perrine D., die dabei ein blaues Auge und Kopfverletzungen erlitt. Sie wurde von einem Arzt behandelt und ins AK Altona gebracht. Die 21-Jährige wurde nach ambulanter Behandlung entlassen und erstattete Anzeige wegen Körperverletzung gegen den Musiker.

Kaulitz selbst ist von der Polizei bislang noch nicht zu dem Vorfall gehört worden, da er nicht auf der Tankstelle war als die alarmierten Polizisten eintrafen. Wie in solchen Fällen üblich wird der Musiker in den nächsten Tagen Post von der Polizei erhalten. „Es handelt sich möglicherweise um den Tatbestand der einfachen Körperverletzung“, sagte Polizeisprecher Ralf Kunz. Kaulitz werde die Chance bekommen, sich zu dem Vorfall zu äußern. Sollte der Star von Tokio Hotel eine Aussage machen, könne er dies aber auch bei der Polizei an seinem Wohnort in Berlin tun.

Weder Tom Kaulitz noch sein Management waren bislang für eine Stellungnahme zu erreichen.

Aktualisiert am 17. April 2009 um 7:20

source :

Latest News about Tom

Translation by: beertje_86

This is what the fans say!

Whole Germany talks about the fighting scandal with Tokio Hotel guitar player Tom Kaulitz! Now the fans are talking. They respond shocked and upset.

The twin brother from singer Bill has hit a woman in the face with his fist and brought the woman to the ground. A security camera got the whole incident at the "Aral" gasstation in Bahrenfeld, a part of Hamburg on tape.
Another girl was thrown against the back of Tom's Audi.

The fans from Tokio Hotel are shocked! On "matrix" writes: "I think this is very stupid, isn't he supposed to be rolemodel?" and "shocked User“ tells: "I feel ashamed of Tom...He, the womans hero."

Many are looking for an explanation for what happened like "tomsgirl": "It could also be, that he isn't really dealing with his fame at the moment. Who knows, what might be wrong there."

Still, the most are upset: "Something like this isn't right, even when you are famous", writes a reader under the name "topaktuell". "Just because they are rich and famous, they think that th rules don't count for them. It is totally right that he got charged."

"meikel44" tells, what many think: "the fans made Tokio Hotel big. And this is how hey thank us. Now they don't need the fans anymore. They have already cashed in."



Translation by beertje_86

Does the video show Tom kaulitz?

Charged with assault: The Hamburger police is looking for Tokio Hotel guitar player Tom Kaulitz.

A female fan (21) claimes the teenie-star hit her in the face on wednesday night. The police can see minor injuries in the face of the woman. Tom Kaulitz (19) couldn't be questioned.

B.Z. knows, the videocamera shows the next offender profile: A Audi R8 sportscar (about 150.000 euro) stops at the Aral-station in the Stressemannstraße in the part of Hamburg called Bahrenfeld. In the driver seat a young man. A few girls approach the car and tap on the window, they have got a camera in there hands - they seem to wanna take a picture.

A burning sigarette is flying out of the car, a woman picks it up a presses it against the window. After that the driver gets out. He has a notable outfit, wears bright white hip-hop clothing, has the hoody of his pullover over his head, just dark dreadlocks are showing. He is walking to the girl, takes a swing and hits the girl in the face. She stumbles and goes down to the floor.

Then the driver goes back into the car, but still the girls won't leave him alone.
Again the young man gets out of the car, seemingly angry. Then another girl approaches - seemingly the one he was waiting for - she takes place in the driver's mate seat. Together they drive away - before the police arrives.

Untill yesterday the cops didn't have a chance to question Tokio-Tom yet. Also the management from Germany's most succesfull band, that have there studio and house in Bahrenfeld too, hasn't given a statement yet.

Fact is: "The driver of the car is Tom Kaulitz", tells a spokesperson from the police to B.Z.


Donnerstag, 16. April 2009


by beertje

Did teen rocker punch girl fan in the face?

Investigation against Tom kaulitz

Tom Kaulitz hits 21 year old fan

Tom Kaulitz has hit a fan

Tom Kaulitz has loose hands

Is Tom Kaulitz a hitter?

Tom Kaulitz - fistfight with annoying fan?

Did Tom kaulitz beat up a woman?

Hat Tom Kaulitz ein Mädchen geschlagen?


Schlimme Vorwürfe gegen Tom von Tokio Hotel: Hat er wirklich einen Fan verletzt?

Hat Tom Kaulitz (19) die Nerven verloren? Laut "Bild"-Zeitung soll der TH-Gitarrist am gestrigen Mittwoch an einer Hamburger Tankstelle eine 21-Jährige ins Gesicht geschlagen haben.

Die Frau sagte aus, sie habe Tom im Auto sitzen sehen und an die Scheibe geklopft, um ein Foto von ihm zu machen. Tom habe die Scheibe zwar heruntergelassen, aber nur, um eine brennende Zigarette nach ihr zu werfen. Als sie diese dann daraufhin an seiner Scheibe ausgedrückt habe, sei Tom ausgestiegen und habe zugeschlagen.

Angeblich hat das Mädchen, das in Begleitung von vier Freundinnen war, eine Schwellung unter dem Auge davongetragen. Sie rief die Polizei, aber bei deren Ankunft war der Tokio-Hotel-Star bereits nicht mehr vor Ort. Ein Polizeisprecher erklärte aber laut "Bild", dass Tom seine Version des Vorfalls noch zu Protokoll geben könne.

Bravo News

Streit an Tankstelle an der Stresemannstrasse

Tom Kaulitz von "Tokio Hotel": Hamburgerin verprügelt?

Der Gitarrist der Band "Tokio Hotel", Tom Kaulitz, soll in der Nacht zu Donnerstag an einer wilden Schlägerei auf der Aral-Tankstelle an der Stresemannstraße (Bahrenfeld) beteiligt gewesen sein. Das bestätigte die Polizei dem Hamburger Abendblatt.

Nach ersten Ermittlungen soll der Streit gegen 23 Uhr eskaliert sein: Eine 21 Jahre alte Frau war mit vier Freundinnen auf der Tankstelle und hatte den Star in dessen Auto erkannt. Angeblich klopfte sie dann an der Seitenscheibe und bat Tom Kaulitz um ein gemeinsames Foto. Doch der Teenie-Star soll, so gab es die junge Frau später zu Protokoll, nur eine brennende Zigarettenkippe aus dem Auto geschnippt haben. Daraufhin soll die 21-Jährige die Zigarette gegen eine Scheibe des Autos von Kaulitz gedrückt haben.

Angeblich kam es daraufhin zu der wüsten Schlägerei zwischen Kaulitz und der 21-Jährigen, die dabei ein blaues Auge und Kopfverletzungen erlitt. Sie wurde von einem Arzt behandelt und in eine Klinik gebracht. Das Mädchen erstattete Anzeige wegen Körperverletzung gegen den Musiker. Kaulitz ist von der Polizei bislang noch nicht zu dem Vorfall gehört worden.

Aktualisiert am 16. April 2009 um 9:49


Tokio Hotel-Mitglied Tom Kaulitz soll 21-jährigen Fan auf Hamburger Tankstelle geschlagen haben

Junge Frau bat um Foto, wurde nach eigener Aussage von Kaulitz mit Zigarette beworfen und drückte diese an seinem Auto aus, woraufhin es zu einer Auseinandersetzung kam – 21-Jährige soll so schwer verletzt worden sein, dass sie auf einem Ohr taub wurde – Tom Kaulitz konnte bisher noch nicht befragt werden

Am Krankenhaus Altona
Am Krankenhaus Altona
Tankstelle Stresemannstrasse
Tankstelle Stresemannstrasse
Wohnhaus Tokio Hotel
Wohnhaus Tokio Hotel
